What is the Ego, and Do We Want to Destroy It?

Shall we destroy such a vital part of us?

Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)
3 min readAug 21, 2022
Man with his eye showing into the camera intensly
Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

Due to ego, you now have two awareness’s within you.

You are both the Divine conscious source (higher self) and the individualized consciousness (the ego).

These two conflicting natures were not by accident but by Divine will.

You were never meant to be one while destroying the other, you were meant to harmonize both polarities becoming more powerful than you’ve ever been.

So, here is the story of the creation

- the story of you as Divine consciousness.

Once the divine consciousness willed within itself it wanted to experience what life was all about, it broke off into fragments,

and we are those fragmentations.

The Ego

The ego is a part of the source that lets it realize itself as an individual.

With the ego, you became known as the “you” within the source.

Without the ego, the source cannot effectively understand its independence and thus it cannot experience life.

Why Ego gets a bad Rep

Once the source saw itself as an isolated individual, a sense of unity would be lost.

By instinct and nature, we have become independent and self-serving.

What we see in our world is the result of the ego (Hate, racism, harm to another being, rage, jealousy, anger, etc.)

Quite naturally,

people cultivated the idea that we must destroy the ego to reclaim our inherent power and have more peace and unity in the world.

The Problem

Why was ego created in the first place?

To experience and grow as an individual.

Without the ego, how would we have the awareness to live our lives?

It’s the understanding of our individuality that makes room for all the creativity and magic we see in the world.

The ego helps us explore our depths and conquer our fears.

The ego keeps us headstrong and proud of our accomplishments.

Our ego is what wills us to keep going and growing.

Any good that you have done in your life, any gifts you have, any potential you have to change the world, rest within your ego.

So, what can we do when the very thing that makes us, can also break us?

The solution

You were meant to understand both sides of your nature, then integrate them.

Consider this world:

Look at the changing seasons,

and observe the day as it changes from dark to light continuously.

The answer is written in the lunar phases of the moon and the growing womb of a pregnant mother.

The answer is written inside of you as your mood changes and fluctuates with the energy around you.

Just as the tides change, so we should utilize our two natures interchangeably.

There will be times when your ego needs to prevail and there will be other times when you may need to allow your divine nature to take over.


There will be times where your awareness will be somewhere in middle neither fully ego nor fully higher- self.

When you can learn to use your ego and your higher self together, you will learn the secrets of life, and why you are a part of it.

When you look at the Vespa Pisces it has two overlapping circles which represent the two realities of life, spiritual and physical forever connected.

Circle One= The spiritual realm : Circle Two= The physical realm

Without one aspect of existence, the other one wouldn’t exist.

What good would consciousness be without the awareness of it?

Therefore, to live fully and embrace life and creation as we should, we need not destroy our ego but use it wisely, in balance and harmony with our higher nature.

When you learn to use your ego in balance you truly become divinity within this physical existence.

Without the ego there will be no hope for growth, will, and evolution.

If we can learn to harmonize our ego with our higher self, we will learn the depths of life. This is why the source created the ego, to experience life and understand the depths of creation.

Without the ego, could we live?



Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)

Occult Teacher/Master Energy Healer/ Occult Author/ Writer/Intuitive Black Adept - https://linktr.ee/angelthehealer