Doing This One Thing Will Shift Your Entire Existence

Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)
10 min readNov 15, 2022

You will be a completely different person in one year

I want to tell you about this one thing we all have but most of us aren’t aware of.

When it appears, most cannot perceive it- so it goes unnoticed and unacknowledged.

I want to tell you about its nature and power and the endless possibility that awaits should you reconnect with this powerful thing.

Pay close attention, as this is something so essential to every being on and outside of this earth, and if you allow it, doing this ONE thing will shift your entire existence.

So, what is this “thing” I’m speaking of?

The thing is: Following your intuition

Okay, I know I’ve spoken about this in the past, and you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I’ve heard this all before.”

But keep reading. You’ll see that I’m not just talking about the occasional “gut feelings” we all think is our intuition.

I’m talking about being fully led by your divine guidance in every aspect of your life, every second of every day.

This is so important, and I believe many of us (myself included) have missed the mark.

Most people think they are following their intuition by listening to their gut instinct, but please allow me the opportunity to explain this a little more.

What you will find is that you are most likely not using your intuition as you should, despite your strong emotions towards certain choices you have made.

It’s a bit more complicated than that.

Here’s harsh truth #1,

You probably haven’t been following your true intuition- even if you consider yourself a spiritually connected intuitive person.

How do I know?

Ask yourself this ONE question:

“Am I truly 100% happy in and with my life right now as it is, and am I content with everything I have, without lack, want, or need?



Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)

Occult Teacher/Master Energy Healer/ Occult Author/ Writer/Intuitive Black Adept -