4 Things You Should Keep In Mind While Starting Your Spiritual Journey

Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)
4 min readDec 5, 2021

Your quick guide through the land of liberation

A woman sitting on the rocks looking at the waters and the mountains behind it, her hands are behind her back. 4 things to know ehile starting a spiritual journey.
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Let me say this,

if you feel an urge to walk away from organized religion, do so right now.

Don’t delay.

Prolonging your awakening process won’t serve you, and in the end, you’ll be happy that you didn’t.

With that being said,

I don’t advise you to jump in knee-deep without first scaling the waters.

So here are four essential things you should ponder upon starting your spiritual path.

  1. It’s All in the Gut

Intuition is that feeling you get in the pit of your gut when you know that you know that you know without having the physical proof.

It’s the internal dialogue with self, concerning self, confirming self.

These are what I call “gut talks.” We use our gut far more than our brain in spirituality. Our intuition connect’s us to the soul and a higher state of awareness.

In spirituality, you use your intuition in

  • Energy healings
  • Spell work
  • Readings
  • Psychic abilities,
  • Spiritual downloads
  • Connecting and speaking with other spiritual beings.

You are a powerful spiritual being with the answers already in you. Tap into your intuition by learning to listen to your inner voice of wisdom and truth.

It’s a good idea to strengthen your intuition from the very beginning. Meditation is a good way of allowing that internal voice to flow freely.

If spirituality was your car, and the road is the spiritual journey, then intuition is the key that drives the vehicle to enlightenment.


2. Spirituality is Not Your Lover

You commit to your children; you commit to your friends; you commit to your lover.

Spirituality is NOT your lover; therefore, you do not need to commit to a spiritual practice or a set spiritual belief system, especially starting.

Particularly for those of us who religious doctrine has influenced, it’s common to carry on this false concept that you have to pick a spiritual team, tradition, or practice.

In other words,

you may try committing to something too soon without getting an overall idea and a basic foundation of spirituality as a whole.

Give yourself time and opportunity to explore the ins and outs of the metaphysical world. Committing to a specific practice too soon may rob you of that exploration.

Remember why you chose spirituality in the first place. Freedom should always be the top priority in your spiritual journey, not conforming.

3. Don’t Open whats closed

A bit controversial but,


Some practices, particularly within the African American and Native American diaspora, are not open to the collective.

Closed practices protect the elements of ancient traditions, primarily from once enslaved people, who had their costumes taken from them and removed from history as theirs.

Hoodoo is an example of a close practice.

Hoodoo is an African-American spiritual tradition that derives from a spiritual religion(also known as a nature religion)called Vodou. Vodou came out of Africa and spread throughout the world due to the transatlantic slave trade.

The only people permitted to practice Hoodoo are the descendants of slaves — African American people, and that’s it.

Vodou is a closed practice in that you have to be initiated into the spiritual religion to practice. Hoodoo is a closed practice in that you have to be of African American descent to practice.

Please understand that the severity of sticking your nose in spiritual practices that are not for you can land you into some serious shit you don’t want to be a part of.

Spirits and these spirits’ light and dark energies are real. The last thing you want to do is have angry spiritual energies in your home pissed off at you wreaking havoc in your life — or worse.

4. Stay in Awh and Amazement

Last but not least,

you should always enjoy the endless possibilities and freedom of spirit.

The amount of excitement and fulfillment that you’ll receive on your spiritual journey is enough to keep you motivated and moving forward consciously.

Every day spirit and the universe show me something new and profound.

Every day I move deeper into the realms of the supernatural and unknown.

If your spark isn’t lit every day and you don’t lose yourself in amazement and wonder walking this spiritual path, if you get to a place of complacency, then you are no longer growing in your spiritual life.

The universe blesses only those who are willing to keep moving forward — who are willing to follow the path less travelled.

Never allow your spiritual flame to go out.

Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens

-Carl Jung

