3 Spiritual Practices That Changed My Life Forever

I am so much healthier and happier now.

Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)
7 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Being spiritual does not mean you have to be all glittery and woo and FAKE! It’s not a mask or a part of your outfit that you put on in the morning.

You don’t have to wear certain clothes or say certain words.

You don’t have to listen to a genre of music or hang around a particular crowd.

Spirituality is not an aesthetic, despite its popularity over the last decade.

We don’t have to become spiritual; we’re there already.

Spirituality is just as much a part of us as being physical. We aren’t just body and brain.

We are body, mind, and spirit.

When I understood what living consciously was all about, my life changed. The perception I had about spirituality was nothing like the real thing.

I didn’t have to change myself to look like something “more spiritual.” (True spirituality will promote self-realization and self-empowerment).

There is nothing superficial or immature about authentic spirituality, and once you become enlightened on a spiritual path, you’ll never be the same.

There are many different spiritual paths to choose from, each with its holistic developmental element.

I’ll share three spiritual practices that had the most impact on my healing and personal development. I’m sharing my own experience. Your path may be slightly different than mine, and that’s the beauty of spirituality. There is no one size fits all; always follow your heart and intuition and do what best suits you on your journey.

Channeling Spirit

Channeling is the process of becoming a channel for angelic and spiritual beings to communicate. When you channel spirits, you quite literally tap into the spiritual channel they reside in.

You begin sending and receiving messages by way of communication.

Channeling is one of the clearest forms of communication you can have with your spirit guides, ancestors, and higher -self.

Many people have spoken to the ascended masters and God by channeling.

When you become a channel, you have unlimited access to the other side and the spiritual energies that are there.

My life transformed when I began channeling the spiritual energies.

right away, I could feel the presence of infinite love and light all around me.

I began a close relationship to divine spirits who were always with me.

Eventually, all this love I was experiencing with my spirit guides would trickle down into my relationship with others; And because I knew I was divinely loved, I became more loving to others.

I don’t care what the movies tell you; there is nothing scary about channeling spiritual beings.

They are already walking with us.

You accept their presence when you become a channel for them to communicate and interact with you.

You permit them to participate in your life actively.

You allow your spirit guides to share divine, infinite love with you.

There’s not a more incredible feeling than the shared relationship between you and the divine energies that surround us all.

The more attention you show your spirit family, the more attention they will show you, and believe me, you need their support; it will make a difference in your life.

Reiki Energy Healing

If you have not yet had a reiki session, I suggest you go have one immediately; Reiki will change your life.

Reiki is the invisible universal life force energy that governs all. To learn more about Reiki, click here:What is the Holy Spirit” I wrote all about it. Reiki is quite literally “The breath of life.”

Reiki originated in Tibet in the ancient days, but Master Mikao Usui reintroduced it in the late 1800s to early 1900s.

Reiki Healers are only a channel

We all have access to this life force. When a reiki practitioner (also known as energy healer) does Reiki on you, they only work as a channel for the reiki life force energy to come through. Your body will subconsciously establish a connection with that energy and begin to use the Reiki to heal itself. It’s important to understand that Reiki will go wherever it needs to go; your Reiki practitioner is only the channel for Reiki to flow out of, not the controller of Reiki.

Once the Reiki enters the client’s body, it will begin the energetic healing process wherever it’s needed. You cannot see this process, you will only feel it.

Reiki is used to heal many conditions




-Body Aches







-High blood pressure


and the list goes on.

I have been using Reiki to align my chakras. (for more info on chakras, check out my article here).

Since using Reiki,

  1. my spiritual abilities have become more pronounced than ever.
  2. My intuition is sharp,
  3. my dreams and visions come true,
  4. my connection with the divine source is strong.

5. I am more empathic and attuned with the universe and with Reiki.

I love Reiki’s presence in my life so much I became a certified Energy healer myself.

Reiki continues to grow me spiritually.

If I can name the most significant impact Reiki has had on my life; it would concern my spiritual gifts. I am more psychic, sense Reiki, and spiritually wiser,

and who wouldn’t want to hone their superpowers?

Shadow Work

Of course, I would mention shadow work; this was probably the first spiritual concept I ever spoke out about openly. Regardless of your spiritual or religious background, shadow work is something you should add to your self-care routine.

So what is shadow work?

Shadow work is essentially taking the deep inner negative traits you possess and getting to the root of why you created them.

Once you find out the “why,” you have found the deep-rooted trauma, and you are ready to release that trauma.

The shadow

The shadow is the dark side of ourselves that we created to hide unhealed emotions.

We don’t want to suppress the shadow, which most people do when they “think” they are healing. We want to bring awareness to the shadow to heal what’s underneath…

which is the heart of who we are.

The shadow is not the enemy; we created our shadow to protect ourselves from those unwanted emotions. Essentially, we learn to work with the shadow to get to the heart of the problem, not kill it off.

Here’s an example:

If other kids bullied you for being overweight as a child, you might grow up with a deep desire to perform.

You may struggle with perfectionism and people-pleasing. So you spend hours in the gym, never leave the house without looking your best, and constantly insult other people who you think don’t fit the standard.

Your shadow self is a shallow perfectionist who may be a little self-centered.

If you work on just perfectionism and shallow self-centeredness, you’ll alleviate the symptoms.

Things may feel better for a while outwardly, but eventually, you’ll go back to those shadow traits. Nothing changed on the inside; therefore, the problem is still there.

Suppose you saw the shadow as an ally instead of trying to destroy it as an enemy; how would your life change?

You would find that your shadow was trying to protect you all along.

In your adult years, you created your shadow self to protect yourself from the hurt you experienced as a child.

When you become aware of your shadow traits and start asking questions to get to the root of the problem, you can heal. You’ll see a lot of the circumstances you find yourself in were due to unresolved trauma.

How shadow work helped me

When I started to do my shadow work, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I had better awareness of my life and my struggles. Many of my fears, doubts, and anxieties subsided because of shadow work.

You can find numerous shadow work prompts online; I’m going to launch a shadow work course and workbook with the powerful prompts, tricks, and tips that have helped me in my healing journey.

You can start your shadow work journey right now. It will change your life.

I want to conclude with some honorable mentions:

Daily meditation:

This helps with being present, depression, and anxiety. It also helps with decision making and problem solving.(try many different types of meditation in various ways to see what works for you)

Getting out in nature:

This was hard for me because I am an indoor type of gal.

Nature helped me with staying grounded and regulating my emotions. It also helped me connect better with the energies found in nature.

Not to sound all glittery and woo, it’s just really amazing how much we are all connected with everything around us, and most of us don’t even realize it.

I suggest you go outside and be one with the birds, it’ll change your life.

Leading with your heart:

Doing only what makes you happy is hard when you have to step out in faith, despite what your ego tells you. Your mind only wants to keep you safe, not help you grow or attain any success.

Following your heart will always bring you the most happiness and success.


Journaling helps you understand your thoughts. You can get a lot of insight by writing your thoughts out. You’ll be surprised at what wisdom comes out of you just by capturing your thoughts as they come on paper.

Kundalini yoga:

Want to dramatically change your life and unlock your superhuman abilities? Try the breath of fire every day for at least 2–5 minutes right after you get out of bed in the morning.

Kundalini’s awakening is very powerful, so proceed with caution.

Activities like the breath of fire and tantric yoga are meant to awaken the kundalini gracefully.

These practices are relatively safe if done so responsibly.

(Kundalini yoga will probably jump to number one on my list. I’ve placed it here in honorable mentions because it is still a relatively new practice to me).

May your awakening be as beautiful and eye-opening for you as it has for me,




Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)

Occult Teacher/Master Energy Healer/ Occult Author/ Writer/Intuitive Black Adept - https://linktr.ee/angelthehealer