3 Awkward Truths You Probably Aren’t Ready to Hear.

So let's talk about it

Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)
11 min readMay 18, 2022
Women standing in the middle of 4 hands on each side pointing at her in a scolding gesture. She is wearing a black shirt and a tan skirt with her hands on her ears and her head down.
Photo by Yan Krukov

If ever asked what you’d prefer, most of us would swear we’d want the truth. What we mean is, that we want the lie, nicely packaged as the truth.

Or maybe a watered-down, sugarcoated version of a half-truth.

We are addicted to things that make us feel good and hopeful.

Hope and “feel-good” content can be useful tools-

…Sometimes under some circumstances.


There are times when the cold-blooded truth is necessary.

Sometimes we need a break from the fairy tale world of the internet (where we, creators and consumers are all just kidding ourselves) to come to terms with how things are instead of how we portray them to be.

First Truth… You are the reason most coaches are successful, not their advice they are selling you

If most people truly understood this, there would be a lot fewer coaches, consultants, and more everyday people with the confidence and power to solve their problems.

To be fair, I’m not entirely against coaches and people of that nature because I consider myself something like a spiritual consultant (well, really a mentor, healer, and of course…a writer.)

But the number of people claiming to have the answers are ridiculous.

and I for one, do not believe all these self-proclaimed leaders are qualified, but it's a bit deeper than that…

It’s not the advice they sell that makes them successful, it's the fact that they can sell you this advice.

So what do I mean?

Look at it this way, most people go into the field of coaching or consulting because they had their share of hardships.

It's human nature desiring to help people go through something we have gone through ourselves.

The awkward truth is, that it's more of a coping mechanism than it is an act of humility or some newfound “calling” on one's life. But most of these social media coaches/gurus will make you believe they hold the master keys of life.

They’ll sell you nicely wrapped fairy tales that only sound good in theory.

Either that or you end up paying for advice you already know- some stuff that’s so simple and obvious you could have written it yourself. Of course, you won't find any of this out until you’ve paid the 5,768,489.62 for the masterclasses and Ebook.

(Don’t lie, how many times have you purchased something then said to yourself, “I could have written this myself” )

When we go through hard times, it's really common for us to want to make sense of our struggles so that we can move past them as quickly as possible. It's hard for us to just accept the fact that we are living within a dual existence where everything possible can and WILL happen.

Because of this lack of acceptance, we willingly pay someone all of our money to tell us glittery woo-woo things and give personal opinions based on advice they have probably never even followed.

And even if they had followed their advice, there is still no guarantee that it's going to work for you. We all have different experiences in life, different lenses through which we see the world, and different ways to process what we see.

Nevertheless, we need someone to say the right things and put the devastating facts of life in perspective for us. It’s hard for us to validate our pain unless someone else can validate it for us through their own stories of triumph.

They are becoming successful because of their ability to feed on human insecurities and vulnerabilities. The same vulnerabilities that many of them still would be suffering if it wasn't for you. (You’d be surprised at how many issues go away with financial security)

My Advice: Be wary of the ones who claim to have all the answers all the time for all people. With sharp words and a cunning edge, they are still just flawed humans with a story to tell...

Your intuition is the best coach you can ask for. It already knows your depth, it understands what you need and it gives endless advice for free. There is no substitute for intuition, use it.

The second truth-You’ll most likely never find what you’re looking for

This is probably the hardest pill to swallow, I know for me it was, but once you can make peace with this truth, you will live in more alignment and peace.

So let me explain this by briefly going over the law of attraction. ( Listen, this will be no woo woo, fuzzy new age spiritual talk, this will be something you can make use of, I promise.)

The law of attraction is nothing more than the Universal law of frequency and vibration, which states that:

  • All is energy and energy is always vibrating at a certain frequency
  • Anything that's energy (which is everything ) is either being pulled towards another thing or pushed away from another thing (including you…Energy is magnetic)
  • You attract to yourself only the things you are an energetic match to( the things that are on your same frequency

Using the laws that govern the movement of energy, we see that when we look for something, we automatically program our vibrational frequency to that of lack, want, and need.

Being in the state of need, lack, or want of anything is the worse vibrational state you can find yourself in. The Universe is not going to bring you the thing you are looking for, it's going to provide you with what you are an energetic match for…which will be even more opportunities to be in lack, need, and want.

As ironic as it is, this is how the Universe speaks, and while we are guests here on earth, we’ve got to learn to speak the Universe’s lingo.

So by looking or searching for something, anything, your frequency goes from abundance to lack, prosperity to poverty, fulfillment to empty desire.

You’re telling the Universe,

“I am LOOKING for this thing because I am in NEED of it, and I DON’T have it.”

And the Universe will say:

“Oh, I see you are in need, you must like the feeling of being in need so let me send you MORE circumstances where you will continue to be in need.”

It’s bizarre but that's how energy works.

…And thus,

People find their true love when they stop looking.

people spend years of their life chasing a feeling that they’ll never find.

Most of us are on The PURSUIT of happiness, but very few of us ever find it.

“Like energy” attracts “like energy” and you attract what you are.

Wherever you are, you will remain.

Whatever you become you will continue to be

We don’t get what we want, we get what’s in our energetic field, what matches our frequency.

Our frequency is formed by our state of being... You become what you perceive is true for you.

So if you are searching, it’s because you believe you do not have it already

( for we aren't going to look for something we feel we already have.)The very thing you are searching for the most will most likely remain just outside your reach…

My Advice: Now clearly there is an upside to this; with a little practice and intention, you can turn the Universal laws in your favor and go from being a repellant to a magnet for the things you desire.

This can be done by making a slight change in perspective, then working to align your thoughts and emotions with that new perspective.

Simply telling yourself that you are not in want or need of the thing you desire won't cut it. The shift happens through repetition and being consciously aware of your feelings, the change is an unconscious one.

There was a time your current beliefs weren't even what you used to believe. By repeatedly willing your subconscious mind through the conscious influence of repetition and emotions, your experiences turned into habits and habits turned into beliefs and beliefs turned into a new mindset.

So, formulate within yourself, the emotional feeling that it has already been done for you, and wait patiently on it to manifest. By forcing yourself this belief, you put yourself on the same vibrational; frequency to obtain it.

This truth is enough to get you to start generating those higher vibrational emotions- Going from looking for something to expecting it to arrive with patience, gratitude, and confidence.

This is your only option, don't allow yourself to live in a state of lack by searching.

Know that everything you ever need or want is already there, just not within your energetic awareness yet.

But as you, raise your vibration and enlarge your field of energy that surrounds you, make your petitions to the Universe as if you have already received them, then wait to receive with expectation and confidence, all will become yours.

Become the mental alchemist and rewire your mind to magnetize your desires by reflecting on them as if you already have them, stop repelling them by searching.

Here’s The Third And Final Truth- It’s not real

What’s not real you ask? Nothing.

Nothing at all.

It’s all one big conscious illusion.

Very few meditate on this powerful realization.

You, as in the shell you call a body, the series of experiences you call life and this illusion you call time, none of it is real.

We are nothing more than infinite balls of conscious energy placed inside a body within the confounds of the physical Universe, brought here to do whatever it was we willed ourselves to do when we signed our souls' contract.

We leave these bodies almost as quickly as we come into them

and all is forgotten.

For years the human race has struggled with its existence. We are the only species on earth with this much awareness of our existence while at the same time, we are clueless about the reason why we exist in the first place. We’ve pondered such questions;

What are we?

What were we created for?

What happens after we die?

For centuries religion has tried to fill the gaps where science and philosophy seem to fail. Religion tells us that God created us to demonstrate his love or power. Or because he wanted fellowship and company.

Right away we can see this makes no sense.

In order for this God (referred to as The ALL in the Kaballion) to actually be the ALL, he has to be completely self-sufficient and self-sustaining. This means that it would have been against his ( or its) own nature to create us to give or receive love because he (or it) doesn’t need it... It’s self-sustaining, eternal energy that’s not in any lack or need.

SO then how do we exist if we never even needed to?

I’ll answer this question by first asking this; how can you create something without actually creating it? You do it by creating it in your mind.

The only logical explanation is; a projection of the creator's thoughts. Mere thought doesn’t insinuate a need or desire but an expression of one's own creative instinct.

In other words, if we were created by any other means besides in thought form, this would show a need, desire, or want from the all-sufficient one. And the minute “The All” has a want, need, and desire outside of himself, he (or it) is no longer The absolute

…But our thoughts (especially when it comes to creating) don’t always necessarily reflect a want, need, or desire; Our thoughts can be a reflection of our creative gifts and self-expression.

Thus we are the creator, experiencing itself through conscious thought within an infinite creative mind. We are also those thoughts. We never die because the thinker never dies. We live through different faucets of time and realities but we are all birthed from the same thought force energy.

We are the story unfolding in the great mind of the creator, both the daydreamer and the daydream.

So what should this mean to you?

It means that you don’t have to take life so seriously.

Humans can be stressed out over everything.

How we look, what we are going to wear to the employee cookout, or if our children are behaving at the babysitters.

We stress out about work, bills, taxes, credit, bank statements, and traffic lights.

We hold grudges and are all secretly vulnerable and insecure.

But none of this matters.

Every day you are moving closer and closer to your (bodily))death, where your soul will wander back into the abyss- The mind of the creator- which is your mind because you are indeed the creator itself.

(it’s mind-blowing but it’s true)

When you grasp that you are the creator experiencing its own story inside its conscious thoughts you will become a willing participant. You will flow with the story of life wherever it may take you instead of drowning in its unpredictable currents.

You will move your awareness to the angle of the observer instead of the one being observed. When you get good at it, you’ll be able to move back and forth between the two, fully involved in the game of existence.

You’ll let go and release all that burdens you and therefore raise your vibration.

My Advice: Take a moment and dwell on the awkward truth that none of this is real and you are in fact the result of a creative mental story( your own creative mental story.)

Laugh at life and be fully present in the moment.

Because you now know that you are living in the imagination which you yourself have made, you are free to create whatever reality you so desire. (Use the understanding of the movement of energy we went over in the second truth to align yourself with the outcomes you desire.)

Furnish your imaginary world with that of positivity, creativity, confidence, expectation, and excitement.

Become like a child who's ready to embark on the journey of life- created in the mind of “The All”…Created in the mind of you.

Understanding these three awkward truths will help you succeed in your own life.

  • Know you don’t need a life coach, health coach, spiritual coach, mental health coach, or any other coach there is out there( they have coaches and consultants for everything now…unless, of course, you want one, this is just one person's opinion what do I know. There are many wonderful coaches out there, just be careful and use your intuition when choosing who to adhere to. Do not get bamboozled and scammed out of your mula.)
  • As long as you continue to look, you won't find it. To find is to believe the Universe already has all your needs prepared for you to receive when the time is right when you need it most.) Do not fret, do not aimlessly search. Calmly think or speak your intentions to the Universe and Confidently wait for it to manifest in your energy field. This is all that’s required to become a magnet for your desires. ( It takes practice, trust me our conscious minds will always try to get in the way of our manifestations.)
  • None of this is real and you are here to experience the same creative energy that created you… You are that same energy, be aware of your infinite power and use it to make the life you want. You have way more power over your circumstances than you realize. But in the end, none of it matters anyway. This is all a story being played in a conscious mind. So whether you die Bill gates or a homeless person on the side of the road drinking an Old English, we are all just bound to a dreamlike state created in our infinite consciousness. None of this is real, so enjoy it.



Angel Alexander (Kali Moon)

Occult Teacher/Master Energy Healer/ Occult Author/ Writer/Intuitive Black Adept - https://linktr.ee/angelthehealer